Do I need special permits to install skylights in my area?

If you have decided to add skylights to your home you're probably wondering if you need a special permit to install them where you live. The short answer is "No" you do not need a special permit or special permits to install skylights. You may, however, require planning permission which is not the same as a construction permit but can be just as important to obtain.
What's the Difference Between a Permit and Planning Permission?
A building permit is a type of license that allows the holder to perform construction work. If you were building a house from the ground up you'd need a construction permit. If a construction permit was necessary you would obtain it after you had already received planning permission for your project.
Planning permission is a kind of conceptual approval that confirms your project is a good fit for the area where you live. While planning permission and construction permits are related they are not the same. It's also important to note that you may not need planning permission to install skylights where you live.
When Will I Need Planning Permission to Install Skylights?
In many cases planning permission is not required to install a skylight or skylights. Planning permission is only required in certain specific instances. When it comes to skylights, planning permission will likely be required if:
- The skylight will protrude more than 15cm above the established roof line.
- Any part of the skylight will rise above the established roof height.
- The house is located in a National Park or other type of Conservation Area.
- The house is a Listed Building.
In most cases where there is any type of doubt, we suggest homeowners raise the issue with their local authority. Tell them what you plan to do and ask if you will need planning permission. They'll be happy to answer your question and then you can proceed in confidence.
For High-Quality Skylights Trust the Pros at Skylights Rooflight
Skylight installation is not the type of project that is going to require a construction permit. In many cases, it will not even require planning permission. Still, the best thing to do is to ask your local authority if planning permission will be needed before you start work.
Skylights Rooflight offer the highest quality skylights with generous warranties for discerning customers. If you have questions about whether skylights are right for your home feel free to call us at 020 3633 2196.